Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA ):

Before we know ABA lets know what is language ?

  • Language is the most significant aspect of Human behavior. Language allows us to Communicate with one another, express our Feelings, let our needs be known, form Meaningful relationships, respond to What others Say and better understand the World around us.
  • Language also Constitutes the basis of education, knowledge, intelligence,thinking and social behavior.
  • Language is treated as a behavior that can be shaped and reinforced while Careful attention is paid not only to what a child is Saying but why he/she is using Language.
  • In short, Language is the cornerstone of Human behavior.
  • It should come as no surprise, then, that if a child fails to acquire language in a typical Manner, he/she will Face Serious developmental and social difficulties.
  • Language delays and disorders Constitute the hallmark of autism.
  • These delays and disorders then have a direct impact on a host of other important Skills such as intellectual and social behaviors.
  • Thus, the most important aspect of any intervention programme for a child with Autism is the early development of effective communication skill.

What is ABA ?

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a form of learning,based on the science of learning and behavior that helps children to improve their ability to regulate their emotions and avoid behavior problems. ABA is most effective when it helps children develop and deploy socially acceptable skills.

• It is the practical applications of the behavioral Principles to Solve behavioral problem.
• Some Basic Behavior principles are
✓ positive Reinforcement
✓ Negative Reinforcement
✓ Extinction
✓ Stimulus control
✓ Motivation
✓ Conditional Reinforcers
✓ Reinforcement schedules

• Behavior Means anything a person does: It is analysed through the three term contingency.

Antecedent     Behavior     Consequence
         A         →         B          →        C
Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence: –
Understanding Antecedents (what happens before behavior occurs) and consequences (what happens after the behavior) is another important part of any
ABA Programme.
The following three Steps – the “A-B-CS”- help us teach and Understand
1. An Antecedent : This is what occurs right before the target behavior. It
Can be verbal, such as Command or request. It can also be physical, such
a toy or object, or a light, Sound or Something else in the environment. An antecedent may come from the enviornment,from another person,or be internal(such as a thought or feeling)

2.A resulting behavior : this is the person’s response or lack of response to the can be an action , a verbal response, or something else.


3)A consequences-;  this is what comes directly after the behavior .it can include positive reinforcement of the desired behavior, or no reaction for incorrect/inappropriate response.


The verbal behavior approach-book (page no -31)
Note – use alternative word for a piece of cookie to a child preferred fruits /a piece of eatable fruits/that child likest.

In shorter form, ABA is the science of changing behavior. Everyone uses the three-term contingency on a daily basis.
If I say, “Hello, what’s your name?” and a boy answers, “My name is xxxxxx,” and then I say, “Nice to meet you, xxxxxx,” that’s a three-term contingency.
My question was the antecedent, Matthew’s answer was the behavior, and my praise that it was nice to meet him was the consequence.

The antecedent is always the thing that precipitates or comes immediately before the behavior. The behavior can either be positive or negative. The consequence can also be positive or negative.
A positive three-term contingency is asking a child to touch his nose (A), the child touches his nose (B), the child receives a piece of eatables/fruits/toys that child likes (C).


A negative example would be, you say, “Do the puzzle” (A), the child falls to the floor and screams (B), and the parent withdraws the request and says, “Oh, I guess you’re not in the mood to do the puzzle” (C).
The consequence is that the task is withdrawn.
In the first example we see that the child is likely to follow directions again because he or she enjoys the cookie. However, in the second example we see that the child probably learned that by throwing himself on the ground or screaming, the request was withdrawn. That’s how negative behaviors increase.


Applied behavior analysis , or ABA, is one type of therapy that has shown to be effective for treating a number of different conditions. ABA focuses on helping people to change their behavior, and has been shown to be effective in treating conditions like AUTISM, ADHD, and OCD. If you or someone you know is struggling with any of these conditions, it might be worth looking into ABA as a possible treatment option.

ABA is to help child with autism or other disabilities to learn new skills and to reduce problem behavior. ABA is usually provided by a trained therapist in a one-on-one setting. ABA can be used to teach communication skills, social skills,  self-care behaviour, Play and leisure skills, Motor skills and academic skills. It can also be used to help reduce problem behavior such as self-injury, aggression, and property destruction.

  •  ABA is based on the principles that all behaviour is learned if you get a reinforcement to that particular behaviour.
  • ABA is the science which has revolutionized the treatment of children with Autism worldwide. It is a research-based approach which uses positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviours and discourage undesired behaviours.

Autism, a developmental disability that typically appears during the first 2-3 years of life, affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. ABA, or Applied Behavior Analysis, is the science which has revolutionized the treatment of children with autism worldwide. ABA is based on the principle that all behavior is learned and shaped. Through the use of techniques such as positive reinforcement, ABA has been shown to be an most effective treatment for autism. ABA has helped children with autism to improve their communication and social skills and lead more fulfilling lives.

ABA is a research based and scientifically prevent approach which uses:

• ABA has helped many children with autism to improve their social skills, communication skills, academic skills, intellectual skills, thinking skills.Hence it lead more fulfilling lives and overall quality of life.
• If you are a parent of a child with , some communication/social delays or disorders like AUTISM, ADHD,OCD & Other devlopmental delays/disorders or you know someone who is,…. We encourage you to learn more about ABA and how it can help your child to initiate a communication with you I such a magical way.

How is ABA different from speech Therapy?

Speech therapy and ABA therapy are both types of interventions that can be used to help children with autism improve their communication skills. Speech therapy focuses on improving the child’s ability to produce and understand speech, while ABA therapy focuses on teaching the child new skills and helping them to change their behavior. Both types of therapy can be used together to help the child make progress.

ABA, or Applied Behavior Analysis, is a therapy that focuses on modifying behavior by analyzing the environment and interactions surrounding the behavior. It is different from speech therapy in that it does not focus specifically on improving communication skills, but instead looks at the behavior as a whole.